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Tuesday, March 25, 2008


What does that Say?
Well, it depends on how you look at it!

Either God is now here, or God is nowhere.

It is all about context, all about your perspective.

Fortunately, the Bible is what it is.  It is objective truth, and it is what it is, apart from our perspective or point of view.  However, we must work to see what God's intention is in His Book and we must learn to "rightly divide the Word of Truth."  

That all being said, I want to invite you all to a great seminar to be held at the Church Office and Meeting room.  Dan Finfrock of Intensive care ministries will be on hand to lead us April 11th and 12th in an Inductive Bible Study Seminar that will teach you how to study the Bible for yourself, and learn to apply God's truth to your lives.

Sign up sheets are available in the Church bulletin or by calling the office at 795-0614.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Ron