<% Dim page_id page_id = 13 %> <%= page_title%> - The Well Church

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Welcome to Pastor Ron's Blog

Greetings to my Dear Friends!
I am embarking upon the road of Blogdom (I can make up my own words here since it's my blog I guess!) with excitement to see what God is going to do.  In the fall of 2005, my wife Vicki and I started out on a journey that has led to the beginning of The Well, Church at Oak Valley.  It has been two years and the Lord has begun to form us into a community of faith, where we can share our lives as we seek to learn to love God and each other.  
   Now it is Christmastime, and The Well folk are looking to see the impact and ramifications of Jesus' visit to our planet.  It was a rescue mission of the first order, and although "it is finished", it remains a work in progress.  Just what does this "incarnation" mean?  Hopefully in the years to come, The Lord willing, we will be able to explore, wrestle and live out our faith, in a way that brings glory to God and meaning to our lives.  So thanks for checking in, and feel free to say hi and let me know what you are feeling and thinking and doing.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Ron
